Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Wiki

Battlers (師団 (バトラ)  Batora?, also known as Divisions and Batras) are groups of Babyls students that concentrate on raising their ranks higher in various activities or skills. Students with similar talents, ideals, and interests get together and interact. They also do training to improve magical powers, wisdom, physical strength, and leadership.

They're equivalent to clubs in the human world. The only difference is the upperclassmen go on rookie hunts to find first-years and beg or force them to join.[1]

Rookie Hunts[]

Rookie Hunts (1年生争奪戦 (ルーキーハント)  Rūkī Hanto?) are sprees the upperclassmen go on during the beginning of the year, where they transverse the school in search of first-years and "persuade" them into joining.

The event begins with the teachers explaining the rules of not hurting the students but encouraging them to not rest until they find new recruits.[2]

The rookie hunt lasts for 66 minutes (1 hour), then the event becomes more tamed. Recruitment is where first-years are encouraged/required to join a battler of their choosing.[3]

Known Battlers[]

Student Council[]

New Student Council

The Student Council patrol

The most respected and feared battler in Babyls, the student body, is described as what demons should be. They are responsible for ensuring order and peace throughout the school. They do not waste any time getting up early to sort through files of the campus, stay in shape, discuss current status with the teachers, and tend to the grounds before classes even begin.

The student council rarely leaves their homeroom, but when they do, they are on patrol to ensure that all the students are well-behaved and not going through their evil cycles. Azazel Ameri, the president of the battler, demonstrates the council's principles by putting aside selfish ideals and focusing on her ambition. This carries with the members who inspire many students to follow their desires by working hard to achieve their goals. Though it will take time, most of the demons are returning to the old ways and prefer ideal pleasures. The student council will still fight for Ameri's ambition and the good of Babyls.


Magical Tools Research Battler[]

Magical Enhancement Apparatus

Kirio demonstrating his Apparatus

The Magical Tools Research Battler (魔具研究師団 (バトラ)  Magu Kenkyū Batora?, or the Magical Apparatus Battler in the English Dub), also known among students as the "Storage Battler" and later the "Magitools of Terror,"[4] researches and creates apparatus to help amplify demons' magic who lack enough mana.[5] In the past, this battler was originally a ruse to hide demons plotting to return to the Demon World's old ways. Kirio, as a first-year, was recruited by Baal, the founder of the Magical Apparatus, and later became its president.

Iruma later joined this battler, feeling a connection with Kirio since they both heavily rely on magical tools to use magic. Later, Alice and Clara joined as well, making the apparatus a fully functional battler.[6] They created new ideas that weren't all magical but unique inventions, such as introducing fireworks to the Demon World.[7]

Bachiko has stated that the battler was once renowned for making unique but powerful weapons.


Former Members

New Magic Development Battler[]

The New Magic Development Battler (魔術開発師団 (バトラ)  Majutsu Kaihatsu Batora?) practices various magical powers and alchemy and teaches new spells. In this battler, students can discover various spells to practice with, increasing their attributes and adapting to magic.


Gaming Battler[]


Gaming Battler President

The Gaming Battler (遊戯 (ゲーム) 師団 (バトラ)  Gēmu Batora?) is where all the hardcore demons go to have fun chatting about their favorite games and suggesting school projects for events. It's rather laid back, but the battler encourages creativity with fun games and activities while developing new strategy forms. They also create board games, such as when Clara made her own board game, Unjalaka[8] or "Do do do,"[9] a unique chess game with a bizarre set of rules.


Broadcasting Battler[]


Bathin and his Battler winning the grand prize

The Broadcasting Battler (放送師団 (バトラ)  Hōsō Batora?) handles the broadcasting across the entire school, from the announcements to calling students for attendance. Though their battler may not be exciting, they have taken responsibility during the Battler Party Arc. In a state of panic and unexpected events, they remained perseverant and continued to broadcast for two whole days. This has earned the grand prize and an immediate rise in rank.

Later in the series, the Broadcasting Battler revealed they also interview students after special events. Such as when Bathin Baraki was interviewing the first-years Crocell Chima and Zepar Zeze about their time with their senpais during the Heartbreaker challenge.[10]


Demon King Battler[]


The Demon King president is a big fan of the Demon King.

The Demon King Battler (魔王師団 (バトラ)  Maō Batora?) conducts literature reviews and writes research papers exclusively on the Demon King, ruler of the Demon World. Those fans of such historical records about the Demon King, such as Sabnock, can learn all they never did before.[11] Like fanboys or weebs, they have conversations and theories on the next king. During the Battler Party, they reenact the Demon King's life, with Sabnock playing the missing king.[12]

Iruma goes to the battler and is treated with the most hospitality by the members. He later interviewed the private library where he studied the feats of the Demon World's most revered Demon King, Derkila.


Art Battler[]

The Art Battler

The president and his battler.

The Art Battler (美術師団 (バトラ)  Bijutsu Batora?) creates various art, from portraits to sculptures in Babyls. While they work on their own pieces for the Battler Party, they also help other battlers with their requests if they have the time and members. They have the most members in Babyls since they're often the busiest, especially during the Pre-Battler Party.[13]


Our Battler[]

Our Battler

Our Battler (我々師団 (バトラ)  Wareware Batora?) is an unofficial battler recruiting freshmen even before the recruitment day and the Rookie Hunt, which is forbidden. They have a very small and filthy battler room where they greet their clients. The announced purpose of the battler is to take care of difficult problems brought by people to them. Everybody is welcome to seek their assistance, Babyls students and staff alike. One day, they aspire to finally become a real battler by proving themselves to the Student Council.


Darkour/Athletics Battler[]

The Darkour Battler (アスレチック師団 (バトラ)  Asurechikku Batora?) is a battler where students of Babyls can practice running through an obstacle course. They have a practice field in the valleys around Babyls where the students have to finish their races without using their wings. It's the equivalent of Parkour in the human world.


Team Top Dog[]

Team Top Dog (番長軍 Banchō Gun?) was a battler devoted to protecting Babyls by beating up delinquent students, at a time when the Student Council didn't exist. It quickly put them at odds with their rival and enemy, the public morals battler.


Public Morals Battler[]

The Public Morals Battler (風紀師団 (バトラ)  Fūki Batora?) is a battler that is supposed to monitor altercations between students and report them to the staff.[14] At the time of the founding of the Top Dog Battler, it was seemingly a cover for much more malevolent ambitions. During the Student Council's rule over the other battlers, it was mostly dedicated to promoting the glory of his leader, Ronove Romiere, until it was disbanded.

Members during Kalego Gaiden Era

  • Unknown President
  • Unknown Members
  • Drug Dealers

Former Members during Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Era

  • Ronove Romiere
  • Two Unnamed Female Members

Lesser-Known Battlers[]

This is a list of other battlers that have been named but not the major focus during the series:

  • "Body Improvement Battler" (筋肉格闘師団 (バトラ)  Kinniku Kakutō Batora?)
  • "Flying Battler" (飛行師団 (バトラ)  Hikō Batora?)
  • "Succubus Battler" (サキュバス師団 (バトラ)  Sakyubasu Batora?)
  • "Diabotany Battler" (魔植物師団 (バトラ)  Ma Shokubutsu Batora?)
  • "Library Battler" (図書師団 (バトラ)  Tosho Batora?)
  • "Execution Cannonball Battler" (処刑玉砲師団 (バトラ)  Shokei Gyokuhō Batora?)
  • "Black Magic Battler" (黒魔術師団 (バトラ)  Kuro Majutsu Batora?)
  • "Magical Beast Forest Battler" (魔獣の森師団 (バトラ)  Majū no Mori Batora?)
  • "Fluffy Fluff Rules Battler" (もふもふの条件師団 (バトラ)  Mofumofu no Jōken Batora?)
  • "Rock Paper Scissors Battler" (魔じゃんけん師団 (バトラ)  Ma Janken Batora?)
  • "Food Battler" (食物師団 (バトラ)  Shokumotsu Batora?)
  • "Newspaper Battler" (新聞師団 (バトラ)  Shinbun Batora?)
  • "Photography Battler" (写真師団 (バトラ)  Shashin Batora?)
  • "Music Battler" (音楽師団 (バトラ)  Ongaku Batora?)
  • "Chorus Battler" (合唱師団 (バトラ)  Gasshō Batora?)

Battler Party[]

The Battler Party is a special event focusing on the first-years and the battlers they've joined. This venue is the courtyard between the first and third-year students. The three-day event will be observed with attractions, food, and entertainment. It's the Demon World's version of Parents' Day in the human world.[15][16]

For more information, see Battler Party.


  • The Student Council also appears as Ameri's gang members in the If Mafia AU.
    • Astaroth was also in Raim's group before.
    • Kimaris is a talented hacker.


  1. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 18
  2. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 19
  3. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Anime Episode 12
  4. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 328
  5. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Anime Episode 13
  6. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 21
  7. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Anime Episode 19
  8. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 58
  9. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Anime Episode 30
  10. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Anime Episode 20
  11. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 20
  12. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 36
  13. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 331
  14. Kalego Gaiden Manga Chapter 4
  15. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Manga Chapter 26
  16. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Anime Episode 14