"We are the Misfit Class, after all!" ― Shax Lied
Dreadful Stories (おぞましい話 Ozomashī Hanashi?, or Horror Stories in the official English volume) is the ninety-eighth chapter of Osamu Nishi's Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun.
Kalego concludes the day's lecture and tells the Abnormal Class to go to their training, though they already look like hell.
While sitting in the dark in Royal One, Lied asks his classmates how awful they consider their training to be, having been doing it for two weeks. He starts with Picero and Goemon, as Goemon says that Lady Vepar wants to strengthen their Bloodline Magic, so she traps them underwater to replicate a scenario where they cannot use them since they are only strong on the ground. Goemon also adds that because of this, Picero is always sleeping during the day. Lied says that is awful for them. Lied then talks about his own experiences with Robin. He explains he brought all of his games to him and was told they would clear them all in six days, even restarting the ones he had already finished. At first, he felt alright because he liked playing games, but they played for several hours straight, so he felt he was hitting his limit.
Alice and Sabro reveal that for their training, the two of them aren't allowed to even go home until they land at least one blow on Balam, and that is a challenge in itself because he always counterattacks. Iruma then asks about Jazz and Schneider, and Lied says he got some text messages from them. The first few texts made it seem they were having fun, but they slowly became shorter, and the last one was illegible; the group decided to continue. When they turn to face Clara and Elizabetta, they see them posing. As Clara explains, the two have been continuously practicing their posing and head-turning, even when they aren't with Raim, which Lied considers scary diligence. Lied looks at Kerori and asks why she seems catatonic. Kamui explains Mister Hat puts the two of them in cages with beasts for long hours for the two of them to effectively communicate with them. Kerori cries that the beasts are smelly and muddy, and Kamui is upset he isn't in the same cage as Kerori.
Everyone looks at Iruma, asking what his training is like. Iruma says he boils water, prepares Bachiko's breakfast, goes shopping with her, helps with sweet reviews, does laundry, draws a bath for her, makes dinner, and then goes home. Immediately, the others tell him what he's doing isn't training. He claims she approves of him and is getting better at understanding her feelings, but they insist he is being used as a servant. In conclusion, everyone complains about how hard the training is and how they would like to relax. Then they all get messages from their tutors, who order them to assemble, which they do. Even though they consider their training intense, they all refuse to lose to the adults since they are Misfits. Iruma was surprised at how determined the others were to achieve Rank 4, so he decided to do his best too.
He reads a text from Bachiko when she suddenly appears on his shoulders, revealing that she plans on making a new weapon for him for his training.
Characters by Appearance[]
- Naberius Kalego
- Shax Lied
- Caim Kamui
- Sabnock Sabro
- Crocell Kerori
- Agares Picero
- Gaap Goemon
- Asmodeus Alice
- Iruma Suzuki
- Valac Clara
- Andro M. Jazz
- Ix Elizabetta
- Allocer Schneider
- Balam Shichiro
- General Furfur
- Lady Vepar
- Bars Robin
- Raim
- Mister Hat
- Barbatos Bachiko
Template:Harvest Festival Arc Navibox