Iruma's Decision and Hard Work is the ninth episode of the anime series Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.
Realizing he's never had a dream for himself due to his hard life in the human world, Iruma decides to raise his rank and seeks help from those around him for training.
As Clara sleeps on Iruma's lap, Iruma confirms to Asmodeus that he wishes to raise his rank. For now, he hopes to go from Aleph to Bet and asks if Asmodeus would be willing to help. In typical fashion, Asmodeus begins to joyfully cry in relief that Iruma wants to climb to a higher rank when he previously seemed that he wasn't interested potentially due to receiving a low rank after doing things like make friends with the Guardian of Cutthroat Valley and get the Gluttonous Feeder Ring. Inspired by Iruma's new ambition, Asmodeus vows to help his friend achieve that goal by announcing that Iruma will strive to become a Yod and will one day reign over Babyls. The announcement catches the attention of the students around them which brings attention to Iruma that the teen tries to hide from.
Asmodeus leads Iruma and Clara down to the school's underground gym. Stepping onto the court, Asmodeus explains that there are regular exam points that allows students to raise their ranks if they obtain a high enough score. He further details that the next chance to get this promotion is in a week during a match known as Execution Cannonball.
The fire demon details how the game was previously used to settle territory disputes but now is a way for demons to raise their ranking. He then explains how the game works which makes Iruma conclude that Execution Cannonball is the demon version of Dodgeball. A sudden ball flies by at a high velocity. Sabnock is revealed to have thrown the ball as he and the other Misfits wish to participate.
Sabnock throws another ball directly at Goemon, but the swordsman uses his wind sword to split the ball in half. The two halves' head for Kerori and Agares. Each one uses their abilities of ice and Earth to create a protective barrier. Sabnock continues to deliver powerful throws which cause Iruma to realize he can't compete with the demons on their level unless he had special training. Hearing Iruma mention training, Asmodeus jumps at the opportunity to help even though he voices his concern that Iruma may get another immeasurable ranking as well as realizing that he himself may not be the best suited for Iruma's training. Asmodeus suggests another higher-ranking demon may be better suited, pointing Iruma to Sullivan.
The chair-demon quickly accepts to help Iruma and the two head home to begin. With a large rock a few yards away, Sullivan instructs Iruma how to stand in order to throw the ball but also tells him to use a certain phrase when he does. Iruma throws the ball while shouting "Libera" which causes a dragon of energy to form around the ball and blast through the rock.
Although Sullivan is impressed, Iruma does not wish to use this method during the game since he would view it as cheating since it's Sullivan's magic. Understanding Iruma's point of view, Sullivan does strengthen his hands so he can at least catch a ball thrown at him as he is a firm believer in playing fair. Iruma gratefully thanks Sullivan which sends the demon into a delighted fit at the sight of Iruma's wholesome smile.
Now knowing that Iruma wants to participate without the use of magic, Sullivan steps down as Iruma's instructor and has Opera take over. The cat-like demon right away delivers several high-powered throws but Iruma dodges each one. While Opera is impressed at Iruma's dodging abilities, they still point out how Iruma will need to attack his opponent in order to win and instructs Iruma to try to catch a ball. Despite Opera's neutral expression, they claim how painful it is to keep throwing balls at Iruma and give an intimidating warning that this is all for Iruma's benefit.
After Opera calls it a day, Iruma returns to his room and wonders how he will manage catching a ball when he receives a text messaging from Asmodeus asking how his training is going before being interrupted by Clara. The next day, Asmodeus and Clara join Iruma's catching training. Opera states how they will stop the ball right before it hits Iruma to help him learn to catch. Unfortunately, Iruma continues dodging out of pure instinct.
For the next several throws, Iruma continues to dodge but concentrates more when he hears his friends cheer for him. Although he failed to catch the ball, Iruma was still able to get a hand on it.
At school, Ameri is aware that Iruma is undergoing training for the execution cannonball and accepts that they will have to put their readings of First Love Memories on hold until he's done.
Over the next several days, Iruma continues training under Opera and encouragement from Asmodeus and Clara. During a practice break at school, Asmodeus notices how bruised and scrapped Iruma's hands are. Iruma sees the wounds as an accomplishment as he has now able to at least touch the ball about half of the time. Plus, the time spent with Opera has given Iruma a chance to recognize their emotions, specifically that when their ears are flat they are upset but when they are straight up they are in a good mood.
That night, Iruma falls asleep after another exhausting day. Sullivan asks Opera how things are going and learns that Iruma still has yet to actually catch a ball. However, they both seem satisfied at Iruma appearing to have more fun with each day.
During his final training, Iruma continues to tell himself that he must catch the ball. Though he naturally dodges the first few balls, Iruma eventually manages to catch one. Iruma receives praise from his friends for his accomplishment and a celebration dinner from Opera.
As the sun sets, Sullivan and Opera look over the three sleeping against a tree and see that Iruma is possibly as best prepared as he can be.
Sukima Segment[]
Ameri recalling a scene from First Love Memories, tries to share her feelings with Iruma and fails.
Difference between Anime and Manga[]
- Anime: The Misfits arrive after Sabnock throws the first ball.
Manga: They arrive beforehand.
- Anime: After Opera ends the training, Iruma gets text messages from Asmodeus and Clara.
Manga: The messages do not occur.
Anime | |
1st Season | | • 01 • | • 02 • | • 03 • | • 04 • | • 05 • | • 06 • | • 07 • | • 08 • | • 09 • | • 10 • | • 11 • | • 12 • | | • 13 • | • 14 • | • 15 • | • 16 • | • 17 • | • 18 • | • 19 • | • 20 • | • 21 • | • 22 • | •23 • | |
2nd Season | | • 24 • | • 25 • | • 26 • | • 27 • | • 28 • | • 29 • | • 30 • | • 31 • | • 32 • | • 33 • | • 34 • | • 35 • | | • 36 • | • 37 • | • 38 • | • 39 • | • 40 • | • 41 • | • 42 • | • 43 • | • 44 • | |
3rd Season | | • 45 • | • 46 • | • 47 • | • 48 • | • 49 • | • 50 • | • 51 • | • 52 • | • 53 • | • 54 • | • 55 • | | • 56 • | • 57 • | • 58 • | • 59 • | • 60 • | • 61 • | • 62 • | • 63 • | • 64 • | • 65 • | |