Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Wiki
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Wiki

Magical Babyrinth (マジカル・バビリンス) Majikaru Babirinsu is the first opening theme of the Mairimashita! Iruma-kun (Anime) anime adaptation, performed by the J-pop group DA PUMP.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


TV Version[]

yeah! we’re just getting started! 
魔入り舞って pump it up!

Yeah! バビバビる! バビバビる!
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!

刺激ターリナイ さぁ いっちょパーリナイ
どんな逆境も バリバリウェルカム
行きましょParadise 変えてけParadigm(パラダイム)
目覚める自分に バリバリビビるぜ

モテまくりんぐ! 欲求がRock you!
What’s up? Ah まいまいまいるぜ Oh My Girl!

この世は!アイヤイヤ パーリータイム!アイヤイヤ
摩訶不思議な バビリンスさ まぶしいぜ!魔入ります!

Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
c’mon!c’mon!over the world! まいまいまいるぜ oh my girl
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
魔入り出したら止まらない don’t stop! here go!here go!yo!パーリー

Yeah! We’re just getting started!
Mairimatte pump it up!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!

Shigeki taarinai, saa iccho paari nai
Donna gyakkyou mo baribari werukamu
Ikimasho paradise, kaeteke paradigm
Mezameru jibun ni baribari bibiru ze

C’mon! C’mon! Oo mai ga!
Motemakuringu! Yokkyuu ga rock you!
What’s up? Ah maimaimairu ze oh my girl!

Kono yo wa! Aiyaiya
Paarii taimu! Aiyaiya
Maka fushigi na babirinsu sa
Mabushii ze! Mairimasu!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Check it out! Babiru~ yeah saa iccho pari naito!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru
Aiyaiya! Maka fushigi na babirinsu!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
C’mon! C’mon over the world! Maimaimairu ze oh my girl
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Mairidashitara tomaranai, don’t stop! Here go! Here go! Yo! Paarii

Yeah! we're just getting started
Welcome demons pump it up

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!

Not thrilling enough, let's go party night
Any adversity, is very, very welcome
Let's go to paradise, and change the paradigm
The me who awakens is very, very afraid

C'mon! C'mon! Oh my God!
Crazily popular! The desire will rock you!
What's up? Ah let's go go go oh my girl!

This world! Aiyaiya, party time! Aiyaiya
Totally mysterious babyrinths
Its dazzling! Here comes the devil!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Check it out! Babiru~ yeah let's go party night!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Aiyaiya! Totally mysterious babyrinths!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
C'mon! C'mon! Over the world! Let's go go go oh my girl
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Once the devil enters you can't stop, don't stop! Here go! Here go! Yo! Paarii

Full Version[]

Yeah! We’re just getting started! 
魔入り舞って pump it up!

Yeah! バビバビる! バビバビる!
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!

刺激ターリナイ さぁ いっちょパーリナイ
どんな逆境も バリバリウェルカム
行きましょ paradise 変えてけ paradigm (パラダイム)
目覚める自分に バリバリビビるぜ

モテまくりんぐ! 欲求が rock you!
What’s up? Ah まいまいまいるぜ Oh My Girl!

この世は!アイヤイヤ パーリータイム!アイヤイヤ
摩訶不思議な バビリンスさ まぶしいぜ!魔入ります!

Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
Check it out!バビる~ yeah さぁ いっちょ パーリナイト!
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!

評価は high & low 探って hi, hello?
他人の視線を 気にしちゃ damn it! Damn it!
前向いて行こう! 運命にさぁ抵抗
つまずかないように 下ばっか見ないで

C’mon!C’mon!Oh My Fate!
いつだって high light 刻もう high life
Let’s go! さぁ!まいまいまいるぜ oh My Way!

予想を!アイヤイヤ 裏切って!アイヤイヤ
そう期待は裏切らない そんな未来(あす)にしよう

Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
C’mon!C’mon!Over the world! まいまいまいるぜ oh my girl
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
魔入り出したら止まらない don’t stop! Here go!Here go!Yo!パーリー

短所も!アイヤイヤ 長所さ!アイヤイヤ
コインのような表裏一体 返せば君の武器!
この世は!アイヤイヤ パー リー タイム!アイヤイヤ
摩訶不思議な バビリンスさ Every dayがまぶしいぜ!

Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
もういっちょ上げてくぞ 天まで届け yeah
Yeah! バビバビバビバビバビバビバビバビる!
悩んだってしょうがない 損はない いつだって大笑い

どんな過去や未来 it’s all right enjoy して 気分爽快
魔入り出したら止まらない don’t stop! here go! here go! Yo!パーリー

Yeah! We’re just getting started!
Mairimatte pump it up!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!

Shigeki taarinai saa iccho paari nai
Donna gyakkyou mo baribari werukamu
Ikimasho paradise kaeteke paradigm
Mezameru jibun ni baribari bibiru ze

C’mon! C’mon! Oo mai ga!
Motemakuringu! Yokkyuu ga rock you!
What’s up? Ah maimaimairu ze oh My Girl!

Kono yo wa! Aiyaiya
Paarii taimu! Aiyaiya
Maka fushigi na babirinsu sa
Mabushii ze! Mairimasu!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Check it out! Babiru~ yeah saa iccho pari naito!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Aiyaiya! Maka fushigi na babirinsu!

Hyoka wa high & low, sagutte hi, hello?
Tanin no shisen o ki ni shicha damn it! Damn it!
Mae muite ikou! Unmei ni saa teikō
Tsumazukanai yō ni shita bakka minaide

C'mon! C'mon! Oh my fate!
Itsu datte high light, kizamou high life
Let's go! Saa! Maimaimairuze oh my way

Yoso ō! Aiyaiya, Uragitte! Aiyaiya
Sō kitai wa uragiranai sonna mirai (asu) ni shiyou

Yeah! babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
C’mon! C’mon! Over the world! Maimaimairu ze oh my girl
Yeah! babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
mairidashitara tomaranai don’t stop! here go! here go! yo! paarii

Tansho mo! Aiyaiya, chōsho! Aiyaiya
Koin no yōna hyōrittai kaeseba kimi no buki!
Kono yo wa! Aiyaiya, paarii taimu! Aiyaiya
Maka fushigi na babirinsu sa everday ga mabushi ze

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Mō itcho agete ku zo ten made todoke yeah
Yeah! babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Nayan datte shōganai son wanai itsu datte ōwarai

Donna kako ya mirai it’s all right enjoy shite kibun sōkai
Mairidashita tomaranai don't stop! Here go! Here go! Yo! Paarii

Yeah! We're just getting started
Welcome demons pump it up!

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!

Not thrilling enough, let's go party night
Any adversity, is very, very welcome
Let's go to paradise, and change the paradigm
The me who awakens is very, very afraid

C'mon! C'mon! Oh my God!
Crazily popular! The desire will rock you!
What's up? Yeah let's go go go oh my girl!

This place! Aiyaiya,
Party time! Aiyaiya
Totally mysterious babyrinths
It's dazzling, here comes the devil

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Check it out! Babiru~ yeah let's go party night
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Aiyaiya! Totaly mysterious babyrinths

Evaluating high & low, searching hi, hello
The looks of the people are concerning me damn it! Damn it
Let's go forward, forward to our destiny
Don't keep looking down so you don't trip

C'mon! C'mon! Oh my fate!
Always in the high light, ticking high life
Let's go! Now, forward, forward, forward oh my way!

Expectations! Aiyaiya, betrayal! Aiyaiya
I won't break your expectations so let's head for (tomorrow) the future

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
C'mon! C'mon! Over the World! Let's go go go oh my girl
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Once the devil enters you can't stop, don't stop! Here go! Here go! Yo! Party

Disadvantage! Aiyaiya, Advantage! Aiyaiya
Like coins are forward and backward, withdraw your weapons!
This world! Aiyaiya, party time! Aiyaiya
Totally mysterious babyrinths are dazzling every day

Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Let's raise it up again and deliver it to heaven yeah!
Yeah! Babibabibabibabibabibabibabibabiru!
Worrying is pointless, no loss, keep smiling

Whatever future and past it's all right enjoy and feel good
Once the devil enters you can't stop, don't stop! Here go! Here go! Yo! Party


