Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Wiki

The Misfit Class is the fourth episode in the anime series Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.


Sullivan helps Iruma not want to stand out by placing him in a class full of misfits.

The class must partake in a flying race where some come across dangerous beings.


At breakfast, Iruma is enjoying a delicious and bountiful meal when Sullivan informs him that he has arranged for Iruma to be in a class filled with misfits in order to help him not stand out. Iruma is glad to hear this and is more delighted when he learns Sullivan has also placed Asmodeus and Clara in the same class.

Hearing his friends outside, Iruma takes off. On the walk to school, Iruma shares the class assignment with his two friends who are just as delighted to know they will be in the same class together. Iruma still seems somewhat troubled at knowing they will be in the Misfit Class with troublemakers but finds relief when Asmodeus boasts of how amazing it will be to share the class together. As they continue to school, Asmodeus asks Iruma why he always walks to school instead of flying. When the fire demon states that all demons are capable of flying, Iruma becomes nervous at thinking Asmodeus has figured out he's human but relaxes when Asmodeus simply guesses that Iruma walks as a means of staying in shape.

After getting to school and confirming they are in the same class, they make their way to the new student building where a magic arrow leads them to where their classroom is. They become puzzled as the arrow leads them into a cave, past a large garbage pile, and finally to the class. When Iruma sees the door is open, Clara suddenly pushes him through. Doing so sets off numerous traps that Iruma skillfully dodges.

It is right away revealed to have all been set up by the other students who had a wager on whether or not Iruma would be able to avoid all forms of danger, with Shax Lied, Ix Elizabetta, and Crocell Kerori winning the bet. Asmodeus becomes furious at their actions but he and Iruma are startled to learn and see that Sabnock Sabro willingly allowed himself to be hit by all the weapons as he deems dodging to be an act of cowardice. Sabnock brags how he is the only demon worthy of becoming the next demon king. A quick narration explains that the demon king is the absolute ruler of the Netherworld, but it can take centuries for the throne to become vacant, though the throne is currently available.

Sabnock declares he will first become a Yod and then will ascend the throne. When Iruma asks for clarification on what a Yod is, Sabnock explains that it is the highest power rank in the demon world and only a demon of Yod rank can become the demon king. Sabnock then begins to scold Iruma for his lack of knowledge regarding the rankings and the demon king. Asmodeus quickly steps between them and attempts to end Sabnock's bragging. However, the taller demon recognizes Asmodeus and is aware he summoned a Gorgon Snake for a familiar. As he had summoned a Kelbie Horse, Sabnock declares that he is the winner simply because his Kelbie has more legs than the Gorgon Snake. He further tries to drive his point in when he claims that he can no longer see Asmodeus as a potential rival since he proclaimed himself Iruma's servant.

Asmodeus tries to defend himself by stating that he is not Iruma's servant and boldly proclaims himself as Iruma's friend. The term is right away lost on the others and Asmodeus takes the chance to explain what a friend is when Kalego barges into the room and demands they be silent. His sudden arrival sets off the traps, but he easily stops them with his magic. After a quick rollcall is done, Kalego orders the class to head outside as they will be determining their ranks.

Out in a valley, Kalego explains that the familiar summoning and this flying race will determine the ranks of the students. After explaining that the goal is to reach a flag before the rest of the students, Kalego brings up a video explaining two separate paths that can be taken; a longer but safer route or a short but dangerous path through Cutthroat Valley where demonic birds will protect their nests at all costs. Sabnock immediately declares that he will be using Cutthroat Valley, but Kalego halts his idea right away by explaining that the Guardian of Cutthroat Valley is currently in a foul mood and can be quite dangerous and their safety will be at risk if they choose this path. Sabnock decides not to listen to the warning and will go ahead with his plan.

The students bring out their wings and prepare for the race to start. The race begins and the students take off with Iruma the only one not able to follow. However, Kalego solves this by literally pushing Iruma off the edge before teleporting to the finish line where he summons a viewing window and demon cameras to watch the students.

While most are going at a leisurely pace, Kamui tries to earn the favor of Elizabetta and Kerori with flowers but is rejected and Jazz attempt to steal an egg which causes him, Allocer, and Goemon to be attacked by dozens of birds. Frustrated at their behavior, Kalego switches to a third camera that claims no one has arrived yet but is quickly blown back by Asmodeus' speed.

The young demon is flying over a small valley filled with plants that try to attack him only for Asmodeus to burn everything through his familiar. Once that is taken care of, Asmodeus is stunned to find Clara had been hanging on his back the entire time. They both cease their argument when they notice Sabnock heading for Cutthroat Valley. The brief distraction causes Asmodeus to get tangled in vines and Clara's thrashing sends them falling.

In another area, Iruma is in the beak of a demon crow after it gained possession of him after he was shoved off the edge. A sudden roar frightens the crow, causing it to drop Iruma as it flees.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus is struggling to save Clara as she has landed in a pod that tries to eat her whole. He quickly ends the struggle by destroying the plants with a flame sword and saving Clara. With that handled, Asmodeus wonders if Iruma has passed them or followed Sabnock through Cutthroat Valley.

At that moment, Iruma has landed in a nest holding a large bird-like beast. Although it tries to reach Iruma, the beast is discovered to have an injured leg. Wanting to help, Iruma cuts his hand and bandages it. He signals to the demon bird that he wants to do the same for its leg. The creature trusts Iruma and presents its leg to him. As Iruma tries to make more bandages, a drop of his blood lands in the wound and instantly heals it. Thinking the bird will try to eat him now that it is healed, Iruma is caught off guard when it suddenly nuzzles him and places him on its back to fly him to the finish line.

Elsewhere, Sabnock suffers a powerful blow from the Guardian and realizes he may perish before he can become demon king.


Sukima Segment[]

Clara is playing with Sabro’s tail like a cat would.

Difference between Anime and Manga[]

  • Anime: The episode begins with Sullivan telling Iruma what class he will be in.
    Manga: Iruma, Asmodeus, and Clara are shown to already be making their way to the Misfit homeroom and Iruma's conversation with Sullivan is a flashback.
  • Anime: Asmodeus explains to Sabnock what a friend is.
    Manga: Kalego interrupts before Asmodeus can explain.
  • Anime: Asmodeus is shown summoning his familiar to destroy plants.
    Manga: Asmodeus notices how far ahead he is and that Iruma started late. He also does not have to summon his familiar.




1st Season | • 01 • | • 02 • | • 03 • | • 04 • | • 05 • | • 06 • | • 07 • | • 08 • | • 09 • | • 10 • | • 11 • | • 12 • |
| • 13 • | • 14 • | • 15 • | • 16 • | • 17 • | • 18 • | • 19 • | • 20 • | • 21 • | • 22 • | •23 • |
2nd Season | • 24 • | • 25 • | • 26 • | • 27 • | • 28 • | • 29 • | • 30 • | • 31 • | • 32 • | • 33 • | • 34 • | • 35 • |
| • 36 • | • 37 • | • 38 • | • 39 • | • 40 • | • 41 • | • 42 • | • 43 • | • 44 • |
3rd Season | • 45 • | • 46 • | • 47 • | • 48 • | • 49 • | • 50 • | • 51 • | • 52 • | • 53 • | • 54 • | • 55 • |
| • 56 • | • 57 • | • 58 • | • 59 • | • 60 • | • 61 • | • 62 • | • 63 • | • 64 • | • 65 • |